
Outpatient App Wins US Air Force Phase II Contract To Automate Medical Readiness

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Technology Currently Active at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, While Other Air Force Locations Consider Use in the Future

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Outpatient App, an all-in-one mobile productivity tool for medical professionals and caregivers alike, today announced a new technology, co-developed in partnership with Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, which provides medical readiness coordination to automate and optimize operational medicine and deployment efficiency. The system enables collaboration between medical staff, active duty airmen, squadron personnel, commanding officers and other service members. The app includes support for COVID vaccine and other immunization management, professional medical staff task communication and coordination, medical readiness coordination for deployments and discharges, as well as enabling electronic health records and medical data systems integration.

“The process of military deployment readiness requires involvement and collaboration by teams of people from multiple departments. However, the current medical clearance process is frustratingly slow, cumbersome, and lacks a modern communication system to coordinate activities between the necessary teams,” said Peter Yewell, Co-Founder of Outpatient. “These are highly intelligent, mission-driven professionals who simply need better tools for the modern job today and we are excited to collaborate with them to get our Service Members deployment ready faster and more efficiently.”

Outpatient was awarded a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract as a continuation of initial prototype work during a Phase I award. Both came through the US Air Force, AFWERX and the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). As part of these awards, Outpatient began working to advance the usage and development of Telehealth and automated medical monitoring within the Air Force Medical Services (AFMS) and specific Military Treatment Facilities (MTF). With the Phase II SBIR contract, the company developed the adapted technology for Air Force and military specific needs, with participation from the 49th Medical Group at Holloman AFB.

Holloman Air Force Base, which houses the 49th Wing, supports national security objectives by deploying worldwide to support peacetime and wartime contingencies. The wing provides combat-ready Airmen and trains F-16 Viper pilots and MQ-9 Reaper pilots and sensor operators. Additionally, the wing delivers Air Transportable Clinics and Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources while providing support to more than 21,000 military and civilian personnel.

As the company has developed this new technology, several other military installations and agencies have monitored their progress with interest. “Each military base has somewhat different focus areas and training goals. As such, their specific medical readiness requirements can be slightly different as well,” said Brian Corey, Co-Founder of Outpatient. “The process of introducing the technology more broadly means we’re developing a single product that can work for all of them. We are thrilled to be partnering with the Air Force to streamline these critical processes.”

For more information on the new technology, visit https://getoutpatient.com/air-force/

About Outpatient
Outpatient is a digital health, medical task and care coordination tool for patients, their families, medical providers, health systems and military medical services. It enables scheduling, video and messaging communication, task assignments, automatic notifications and updates – all inside a simple and easy to use interface. The system is private, secure and HIPAA-compliant. Today, the Outpatient app is used by professional and family caregivers across all 50 states including health systems and now military medical services.

Outpatient is a product and engineering team with backgrounds from Facebook, Nest / Google, Yahoo, Amazon, and Salesforce. The team has extensive experience in scaling global technology platforms along with personal experience as family caregivers.

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PRESS RELEASE: COVID-19 Senior Living Communication and Tracking Tool

By | Press | One Comment

SAN FRANCISCO – March 19, 2020 – Outpatient announced today a Virus Tracker feature of its caregiving collaboration app and platform specifically designed for the senior housing industry. The Virus Tracker efficiently coordinates the monitoring of coronavirus symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath for rapid response and communication between health care professionals and families. As part of its announcement, Outpatient is making the app available cost-free to all 140 senior living and nonprofit providers in the U.S. who operate more than 624,000 units and oversee the lives of approximately 2.5 million at-risk older adults.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has led all industries to evolve their practices just as teleconference tools like Zoom and Dialpad have replaced in-person business meetings,” said Peter Yewell, chief operating officer and co-founder of Outpatient. “The coronavirus is a serious threat to residents in long-term care and can have significant impact to a community’s prosperity. At Outpatient we moved fast, calling the audible less than a week ago to offer senior housing providers the opportunity to get ahead of this growing crisis. Our app is the provider solution to increase efficiency, safety and family communication in their communities.”

The Outpatient Virus Tracker now affords senior housing communities a simple tool to implement basic healthcare delivery precautions to stem the coronavirus spread. COVID-19 was introduced into a long-term residential care facility in Washington state earlier this year. The virus impacted 81 residents, 46 staff members and 14 visitors who all tested positive resulting in 29 deaths to date. Limitations in effective infection control and prevention and staff members working in multiple facilities contributed to intra- and interfacility spread.

The Outpatient app offers a HIPAA-compliant, private and secure environment specifically designed for health care communication and tracking. Access is limited to only authorized people in each resident’s “tribe,” and is centrally controlled by system administrators. Providers can streamline the time-consuming communication tasks administrators and staff perform to manage individual family and community updates. This is especially critical during a pandemic when time is a precious commodity and all attention is on resident care and safety. With families being asked to embrace social distancing and refrain from visiting loved ones in senior living communities, the panic, apprehension and unease creates a vital client service need for real-time information and updates on loved ones.

Statistics show that more than 65 million Americans across three generations – millennials, Gen X and baby boomers – are serving as family caregivers. Providing constant communication is part of the reassurance families need and being able to deliver those updates quickly and efficiently is a value-add for long-term care providers in these client relationships.

“As a veteran of more than 30 years in aging and the longevity economy, this is the most agile team I’ve seen delivering a mobile technology solution to address this growing senior care crisis and provide peace of mind for families,” said Mary Furlong, a successful internet entrepreneur, author and advisor to Outpatient. “Bridging the family caregivers and their loved ones in communities is key during this time when social distancing creates more anxiety and Outpatient has solved that dilemma.”

As of March 18, the Centers for Disease Control reports more than 7,000 cases in the U.S. with 97 deaths. Older adults and those with immunocompromised systems are most at risk. The Outpatient app is available now cost-free to all senior living providers through July 1, 2020. To learn more: Get Outpatient for Senior Living

About Outpatient
Outpatient is an all-in-one digital health mobile application for patient care and health management. The app features group collaboration and communication as a tool for monitoring patient progress and automatic updates. Currently, the application is used by health systems, senior living communities, military medical centers and families with ongoing caregiving needs. There are more than 20,000 health professionals and families across the U.S. using the Outpatient app today. https://getoutpatient.com/

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Social Distancing and Communication – We Can Help – FREE!

By | Health, Health Systems, Health Tech, Healthcare | 2 Comments

Your responsibility as a health community leader is today much more challenging than it was just 90 days ago. Possibly you didn’t need President Trump reminding everyone that Senior Living communities are at a higher risk of spreading and contracting the Covid-19 virus. Or possibly that announcement helped you by asking everyone to avoid unnecessary visits, and he saved you the need to communicate it. Regardless, your job is harder today and here are a few ideas that can help.

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